The Lebanese economic collapse is bringing people to their knees. Everyone is struggling in one way or another.
The pandemic added to the financial crisis, leading to high rates of unemployment. In fact, a Lebanese research company estimated that almost one million people in Lebanon will be unemployed by the end of 2020.
In addition, theft and violence are on the rise more than ever. People are cheating, scamming, lying, stealing, even if they have to hold others at gunpoint to get the job done.
Instead of reaching the point of desperation, Lea Nurpetlian decided to do something productive for herself and her country.
Leading by example, Lea defied the norms and became the first woman to join the cleaning workers team in Lebanon, RAMCO.
And she’s doing this despite the fact that she holds two university degrees, one in accounting and another in tourism!
“I’m not going to sit at home, do nothing, and wait for help from others,” she said.
“She’s more educated and well mannered than the clowns in [government] seats! God bless her! All the respect,” commented social media influencer, Hind Nassar.
We hope to see more Lebanese people taking advantage of these available jobs, and keep the country clean, instead of being too embarrassed to do it.
There’s no shame in honest work, or as we Lebanese say “El sheghel mish 3eib!”