On Thursday, September 15th, the citizens of the Tareek Jdideh area in Beirut found the body of a slaughtered woman inside her home in Zaroub Al-Jarar.
The Lebanese Internal Security Forces (ISF) immediately deployed in the area and a security cordon was placed around the crime scene in preparation for the judicial police to attend to find out the circumstances of the accident.
This comes in parallel while Lebanese women are under the violent attack of a patriarchal system on a daily basis.
At least two women were killed last month. The first was Nabila Idan who was murdered by her husband, a Lebanese army soldier with the initials M.H. in Sindiane, Akkar.
The second case was that of a man with the initials A.A. who attempted to burn his pregnant wife to death in their home in Dabaseh, Tripoli.
According to a 2021 study by Lebanese NGOs, 96% of cases of violence against women in Lebanon go unreported.
The existing system severely restricts the rights of women and frequently forces them to depend on their abusers financially. It also firmly subjugates women to patriarchal pressures and elevates abstract ideas of honor over the lives of women.
If you are a victim of domestic violence or know someone who is, there are local organizations that can help. Reach out to: KAFA: +961 3 018 019, Himaya: +961 3 414 964, ABAAD: +961 81 78 81 78
Related: 9 Out Of 10 Women In Lebanon Don’t Report Domestic Violence Against Them