Every year, on the 12th of August, the world celebrates the international youth day. Differently, from the Universal Children’s Day, the Youth Day focuses on raising awareness about the role that the youth plays in society and on providing everything that they need to succeed and rise up to the highest standards.
The international youth day was first celebrated in 1999. This year it will be running its 21st edition under the theme “Transforming Education.” The purpose is to emphasize the importance of education and to make it more inclusive around the world, with everyone having access to it no matter the amount of money they own.
The UN House in Beirut held a seminar on the 6th of August to discuss the idea behind the commemoration and what it aims to achieve. Even though education is of a very good quality in Lebanon, the social disparities between rich and poor are high enough to harm many people’s chances of getting an education.
Another point to focus on is that the young people who have access to schooling might not be proactive towards their education and not have the initiative to want to learn more. Many of them believe that having an education is simply going to school and doing well in exams. Awareness about the value of education and how it can change the world is a necessity.
During the seminar, important political figures gave their thoughts about the matter. Minister of Foreign Affairs Gebran Bassil said that the young generation will make the change that Lebanon needs and that they are the key against corruption, underdevelopment, and dependency.
Minister of State for Economic Empowerment of Women and Youth Violette Khairallah Safadi claimed that Lebanon loses a lot when fresh graduates have to travel to seek out opportunities abroad
The seminar ended by presenting the youth as the biggest driving force to change not only this country but also the whole world. They are begged not to give in to hopelessness and dismay and to try to fight for Lebanon instead of leaving the country.