Lebanon celebrates Women’s History Month with numerous events that center around the empowerment and support of women.
Under the motto “DRAW YOUR PATH” and the hashtag #AnaMaaki (I’m with you), the 6th edition of Women’s Race is taking place this year on the 31st of March at the Port of Beirut.
This race is considered an encouragement to Lebanese Women to keep moving forward and rise above all obstacles and challenges.
DRAW YOUR PATH and #AnaMaaki have been trending lately on social media. The slogan symbolizes the course that any girl or woman chooses to undertake in her life. In the native language, the motto states “Your course, Your decision.” As intended, the hashtagged “AnaMaaki” has been rallying numerous supporters from the online communities and beyond.
Along with the motto and the supporting hashtag, this campaign was activated by drawing a symbolic pink path on the cheek.
The public response has been phenomenal. Artists, influencers, celebrities, politicians, runners, and the general public reacted by posting their photos with the pink symbolic path on their cheeks and beautiful meaningful captions with the #AnaMaaki.
Participants from all ages and backgrounds can take part in the Beirut Marathon Women’s Race. They can choose their running course from any of the following five races:
#1 10 KM RACE:
The 10 km race is a women-only timed race for 14+ years old.
The 10 km race is also a timed race for 2 women runners only starting from the age of 10.
The para-athlete is a free of charge standard wheelchair, visually impaired, and hand cycle race.
The Run with Parents is a 2 km race for both genders aged from 0 to 9 years old.
Both genders of all ages can partake in the Fun Run 5 Km race.
Participants can register to any of the races above by choosing a cause of one of the 234 partnered NGOs. 25% of the registration fees are allocated to the selected NGO in support of its mission.
The Beirut Marathon Women’s Race was launched in 2013. It represents the continuous inspiring path of May Khalil who founded and organizes the Beirut International Marathon.
Rise and run and draw your fear away on March 31st!