Street food has been introduced to the global cuisine in the 21st century. It’s fast, cheap, and easily satisfies our taste buds. Millions of people around the world consume street food because it’s a bridge between the cuisines of different cultures. A group of friends can grab hot dog sandwiches after clubbing in Beirut, and coworkers can have shawarma sandwiches for lunch on the streets of New York. Sue Quinn and Carol Wilson, two cookbook authors, wrote a book called “The World Atlas of Street Food.” The ultimate guide for street food contains the best places around the world where one can find mouthwatering foods and drinks. Also, the authors shared the recipes of the foods that the locals consume the most in the major cities of each region. Guess what? Beirut is included in the guide. Also, Souk Al Akel, the one that was held in Broumana, is featured on the cover of the book! Street food is a familiar concept in Lebanon thanks to the famous Souk El Akel, which is a food market that is organized every Thursday in Downtown Beirut. The souk is the idea of Anthony Rahayel, a renowned food blogger in Lebanon. One can find there authentic Lebanese food, as well as international delicacies. The book features a shawarma recipe. The authors also recommended a few places in Beirut where one can grab tasty food in the “Vendor Spotlight” section. No wonder why Beirut was ranked the
best international city for food in the world
by Travel & Leisure in 2016.