Efficiency measures whether healthcare resources are being used to get the best value for money. Healthcare can be seen as an intermediate product, in the sense of being a means to the end of improved health.
Efficiency is concerned with the relationship between resource inputs (costs, in the form of labor, capital, or equipment) and either intermediate outputs (numbers treated, waiting time, etc) or final health outcomes (lives saved, life-years gained quality-adjusted life years.)
According to Bloomberg’s Healthcare Efficiency Index, Lebanon has reached the top 25 in the world health-care efficiency.
Ranked 23rd, Lebanon has proved once again its ability to accomplish great achievements in the medical field.
With an efficiency score of 53.0, a life expectancy of 79.4 and a relative cost of 7.4%, Lebanon came after Sweden and followed by Poland who lost 6 rankings as for this year.
Lebanon registered a new entry to the final index this year, having reached the population threshold, alongside countries like Costa Rica, Ireland and New Zealand.
Despite many issues regarding this in Lebanon, the new ranking is considered a great leap for Lebanese healthcare.
To further improve its healthcare efficiency, the Lebanese government, the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Health should increase their efforts.