The Minister of Displaced in the caretaker government, Issam Sharaf El-Din, announced that the Lebanese state did not adopt the plan proposed by the ministry to return the displaced Syrians to their country, and if it had adopted this proposal, ten thousand displaced people would have submitted a request to return.
He revealed that the voluntary return plan will resume soon, and the first convoy will start at the end of this week and includes 483 families and 235 cars, in addition to a number of buses.
On the discrepancy between Lebanon and international organizations regarding a voluntary return, he explained that “Lebanon is not concerned with the 1967 protocol and has the right to deal with the Syrian state without the intervention of another party.”
Regarding the government file and putting up his name in the framework of the proposed amendments, Sharaf al-Din objected to the proposal of amending the government formation by replacing two ministers, considering that this is a grave mistake and insult.