If you were one of many who were inspired by quarantined Italians playing music and singing together from their balconies, you might want to read this!
While I’m sure you’d like to belt it out for Em Rami on the 3rd floor, maybe not all your neighbors would be so appreciative:
Exhibit A shown below by the clever Ghayd Chammas.
Plus, unlike this DJ who performed from his balcony, you most likely don’t have the equipment to blast your music loud enough for the entire street to join you in song.
Luckily, Live Love Music is encouraging people to ‘stay home and make music’ while we’re on lockdown. It will even feature the best selections on its Instagram account. Aspiring musicians, rejoice!
You can make a parody, or write an original song. You can play your favorite classical piece on the piano, or metal it out on a guitar.
You can do whatever you want, just use #livelovemusic and share your magic.

This is a great initiative to give people something to do and feel connected with other like-minded people while in quarantine.
Plus, for musical people, this is a perfect opportunity to share your tunes and sing your heart out for a larger audience than the mosquito on your wall.
These abundant hours at home could turn even the most musically challenged people into the best musicians. Quarantine yourself, get creative, and make the best of your lockdown!