Marwan Habib, the Lebanese serial sexual harasser, was just locked in prison in the United States.
This news came on Sunday when a Miami-based TV journalist tweeted that Marwan Habib is now charged with two sex battery offenses when he allegedly burglarized a South Beach hotel room and attacked a visiting woman from Kansas City in November.
In a hearing on Thursday, new charges were added to his earlier ones of burglary with assault, which has led to his incarceration on January 7th, without bonds at the Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center in Miami-Dade County.
The newly added charges are now burglary, assault, and sexual battery. He is now locked in jail with no bail.
Marwan Habib, a serial sex offender that was spared justice in Lebanon, flew off to Miami where he thought himself free to continue his offenses against women.
On November 7th, a young woman, whom he had met on social media, woke up in her hotel room to face Habib by her bed. The arrest report states that he “jumped on top of her and began to kiss her and touch her.”
The victim eventually managed to get him to leave, according to the report, and rushed to call the front desk hotel management to inquire how Habib managed to have a key card to her room in his possession.
The hotel staff told her that Habib had her information “and even had a woman on the phone pretending to be her so he was given a key thinking it was her granting access.”
According to the criminal attorney on the case, Karim Majbour, “more than 100 women have reached out” to him to accuse Habib of “unwanted sexual advances, forcible touching, and exposing himself.”
In Lebanon, there had been numerous claims from young women against him since 2019 and he was largely exposed on social media, yet the Lebanese justice failed to put an end to his criminal endeavors despite the various lawsuits against him.
Now that this incident got him finally arrested and imprisoned, there has been a sense of relief among the Lebanese, and also calls for the Lebanese justice to issue its verdict against him.