Lebanon’s Health Minister Ghassan Hasbani announced the coverage of mental health in Lebanese hospitals and medical centers. Hasbani made the announcement at an event marking World Health Day. He discussed mental health, its current treatment and plans for the future. He said: “One in every four people will suffer from mental disturbances in a lifetime. Every one of us is vulnerable to this, and there isn’t enough help available at the moment. Nine out of ten people who do have mental issues in Lebanon cannot reach sufficient help.” [bctt tweet=”1 in 4 people in Lebanon will suffer from mental health issues!” username=”the961com”] Although slowly changing, mental health is seen as a sort of taboo among many in Lebanon due to misconceptions. So instead of seeking help, they keep it to themselves. That is what contributes to 9 out of 10 people in Lebanon getting help. He announced that the Ministry of Health will begin to cover mental health part of the comprehensive medical plan, managed by the Primary Health Care department and supported by the World Bank. [bctt tweet=”9 out of 10 people who do have mental issues in Lebanon can’t get sufficient help.” username=”the961com”] There are plans to create 8 new centers for mental health. As well as teaching and introducing professionals at existing hospitals – with the hopes of sustaining good mental health in Lebanon. Hasbani said by training hospitals and professionals, as well as paving the way for mental health treatment, more patients would accept treatment. He also said that it was the Ministry’s responsibility to help those who can’t afford treatment as well.