We are no strangers to patriotic movies, songs, poetry, books, and so on.
Lebnan Rah Yerjaa (Lebanon will be back), Lebnan Ya Ot3et Sama, (Lebanon, O Piece of Heaven), and a million other ways Lebanese people have artistically expressed their love for their country, Lebanon.
The Lebanese have always felt the need the show others and the world that Beirut, the city that represents Lebanon as its capital, really is beautiful and loved by its people, even if living here can be tiresome sometimes.
And now, amid the current horrible phase that we are going through, this phenomenon has increased:
Heartfelt expressions, all summing up to an eager desire of infusing the nation with hope and courage to stand up, resist the hardships, and make it through.
Dozens of short movies showing the people’s struggles, the reality of the situation, the dilemma of the Lebanese youth (leave or stay) have been streaming on social media.
What makes this one special though, is that the creators chose to address the message not to the world, not to anyone, but only to Beirut itself, the city that has always refused to die.
Created and directed by Elie Fahed, with Jihad Saade as the cinematographer, and featuring Carmen Bsaibes, the film is called Sett El-Dunya (The Lady of The Universe) and Beirut is the star.
Lebanese actress Carmen Bsaibes, known for The Knower: Younis’ Return, Bride Of Beirut, and Damascus Time, checks on the city, and speaks of all the nostalgic memories. She speaks of hope, fear, history, and the uncertain future of the country and the people.
This message has faith that Beirut will endure and survive but it ends with a note of uncertainty about whether the people will.
Will the Lebanese survive and make it through this devastating phase?
Yes, they will, because Lebanon is worth fighting for, a legacy carried through the generations of a stubborn nation that wants to live and prosper… whatever it takes.