The poultry industry in Lebanon is at high risk due to the severe shortage of fuel, William Boutros, head of the Syndicate of Poultry Producers, warned on Tuesday.
In a statement, Boutros called on Lebanese officials to quickly secure diesel fuel for poultry farmers and producers before it’s too late.
“We can no longer get diesel fuel neither from gas stations and companies nor from the black market,” Boutros said.
The shortage of fuel has pushed poultry producers and farmers to suspend some of their production lines and prompted farmers to raise their voices out of fear that the poultry on their farms would die.
“We are on the verge of a real catastrophe that, if state officials fail to fulfill their responsibilities and provide this vital substance at the national level and for the sector, will lead to the suspension of production centers and the death of tens of millions of poultry on farms.”
The collapse of the poultry sector would have a devastating impact on the national level, Boutros warned, since it would end its essential contribution to food security in Lebanon amid the prevailing economic crisis.
Poultry, which is “the only locally produced protein source” in Lebanon, provides jobs for more than 20,000 families in the country, Boutros noted.
This call echoes many others emerging from various sectors in Lebanon that require a constant supply of fuel to continue to operate.
On a side note, Lebanon recently signed the final contract that would allow it to import 1 million tonnes of fuel from Iraq.