The story of a horrendous crime left the residents of north Lebanon’s Tebbeneh neighborhood in shock. A man of the initials B.S. was accused of raping his minor daughter (aged 14), according to local media.
Days ago, the 14-year-old girl ran away from home and was able to reach a nearby military unit, where she handed an officer her cell phone, before collapsing.
On the other side of the call was a speaker from an association for the protection of women’s rights, who explained everything that happened to the 14-year-old.
Authorities arrested the man immediately.
It turned out B.S. was the same man taken into custody two years ago for harassing his daughter but was released for lack of evidence. This time, however, a forensic doctor was able to confirm that the girl was indeed raped – and, unfortunately, not recently.
Upon questioning the mother, it was confirmed the father has been raping his daughter for years and, in the latest incident, he molested her while she was trying to shower.
It is unknown why the mother never took this information to authorities and attempted to save her daughter from these criminal acts at home.
The case was referred to a competent court, and the girl was taken in by an organization that cares for minor girls.
If you are a victim of sexual abuse or know someone who is, there are local organizations that can help. Reach out to: