Cybelle Bou Chaaya, a contestant in the Miss Lebanon pageant, faced a barrage of online bullying over her voice following the competition. In this exclusive interview, she opens up about her experience, how she coped, and her plans to use her platform for positive change.
Cybelle Bou Chaaya’s Experience with Online Bullying
Initial Reaction to Online Bullying
When Cybelle first encountered online bullying about her voice, she was taken aback. “I was surprised because I had never received comments about my voice before,” she said. The unexpected criticism was a jarring experience, but Cybelle remained resilient.
Personal and Emotional Impact
The negative comments and criticism did not deter Cybelle. In fact, they had the opposite effect. “It had no effect on me; on the contrary, it boosted me because I always work on my confidence,” she explained. “It made me realize that bullying never represented 1% of reality.” While some comments were particularly hurtful, Cybelle’s strong sense of self-worth helped her to rise above them.
Immediate Response
In the immediate aftermath of the online harassment, Cybelle took a proactive approach. “I posted a video on my social media sharing my experience with cyberbullying,” she said. This act of vulnerability and openness garnered widespread support and attention, highlighting the pervasive issue of online bullying.
Support System
Cybelle attributes much of her strength to her support system. “I always had a support system even before the competition, which helped me a lot during the training and the last minutes before the stage. My family is my one and only support system,” she shared. Their unwavering support was crucial in helping her navigate this challenging period.
Coping and Resilience
Effective Coping Mechanisms
One of Cybelle’s most effective strategies for dealing with bullying was to ignore destructive criticism. “Ignoring destructive criticism and my confidence had a major role,” she noted. This approach, combined with her self-assuredness, enabled her to stay focused and resilient.
Maintaining Self-Confidence
Cybelle’s self-confidence has been a cornerstone of her resilience. “I’ve always worked on my confidence, even when I first started my modeling career,” she said. “I worked on my physical and mental health by working out and eating healthy, and not comparing myself to anyone. Especially in my industry, where there are a lot of models, you should know you’re special.”
Overcoming Moments of Doubt
Like many hard workers, Cybelle faced moments of doubt. “Sometimes you reach a point where you want to stop or are tired, but when you start trusting the process and great timing, everything changes,” she explained. Trusting in her journey and the support she received kept her moving forward.
Social Media and Mental Health
The experience significantly altered Cybelle’s view of social media. “I never knew social media was such a harsh place until I was under the spotlight,” she admitted. “It’s somehow a community for bullies and insecure people who hide behind their phones and throw their insecurities at others.”
Advocacy and Awareness
Initiatives Against Cyberbullying
After her experience, Cybelle launched a small campaign against cyberbullying. “I posted a reel on social media as a small campaign or initiative against every type of bullying, especially cyberbullying,” she said. Her message is clear: “People should be armed with confidence because it’s the key.”
Creating a Safer Online Environment
Cybelle believes that more awareness is needed to combat bullying. “People should raise more awareness because, to this day, kids are getting bullied at school, celebrities are getting bullied on social media, and women are getting body-shamed,” she emphasized. “Let’s at least normalize not commenting or judging people’s appearances or looks and only spread positivity.”
Moving Forward
Advocating for Kindness and Respect
Cybelle is committed to using her platform to advocate for kindness and respect online. “I already started by posting my very first awareness video about this topic,” she said. “And definitely many more to come. As I said, my DM is open for anybody facing cyberbullying or wanting help in increasing their confidence.”
Reflections on the Miss Lebanon Pageant
Despite the challenges, Cybelle has no regrets about participating in the Miss Lebanon pageant. “I don’t regret anything; at the end of the day, it was a nice experience and going live on stage with these beautiful girls supporting each other,” she reflected. She encourages others to participate but emphasizes that it’s not a standard of beauty. “It’s a nice experience for the girls who want to participate with this professional and loving team.”
Gratitude for Support
Cybelle expressed her gratitude to those who supported her during this journey. “I just want to thank everyone who supported me, from my very small circle that gave me the biggest support to participate in this competition, to everyone on stage, on social media, and who had faith in me. Thank you so much. Your support means a lot.”
Cybelle Bou Chaaya’s story is one of resilience and empowerment. Despite the online bullying she faced, she emerged stronger and more determined to use her platform for good. Her journey serves as an inspiration to many, reminding us of the importance of confidence, support, and kindness.