“Mu’ajjal” (Postponed), a Lebanese documentary that explores the experience of five women who are still dealing with the loss of their loved ones during the Lebanese Civil War, has won international awards and is nominated for 11 more, in Canada, Spain, Algeria, and Mexico.
Funded by UN Women, the documentary was produced by Legal Action Worldwide (LAW) in collaboration with Justice Without Frontiers and the Committee of the Families of the Kidnapped and Missing and created by CKN FILMS.
The documentary also tackles the subject of how a woman deals with the loss of a man in the patriarchal society of Lebanon during the civil war, how this loss can leave a deep void in the family, and the aftermath that brings problems and hard consequences for Lebanese and non-Lebanese women.
“Mu’ajjal” was awarded in the Tokyo International Short Film Festival, the Inonu University 13 International Short Film Festival in Turkey, the Indie Filmmakers Festival in Tokyo, and the Algerian Digital Gate International Film Festival.
It has been named a finalist in the Kalamata International Short Documentary Festival, the Paris Women Festival, and the Rome Prisma Film Award.
The Lebanese Civil War (1975-1990) was a brutal and bloody chapter in Lebanon’s history, and, while it ended over 3 decades ago, its impact on many hasn’t.
Many families are still living with its painful consequences and many haven’t had any closure, seeking to know about their loved ones who are still missing.