On the second anniversary of the August 4 Beirut port explosion, Naqd-politics launched a documentation and remembrance initiative in the streets of Beirut under the name of “Project 232” to demand justice.
The initiative is based on stamping QR-codes on the areas directly affected by the Beirut explosion on August 4, 2020, giving people a glimpse, after scanning the QR-Code, of how the buildings and the nearby streets were, minutes before and after the explosion.
Naqd-politics team consisted of more than 20 volunteers who helped in launching “Project 232” after collecting more than 100 photos, videos, and accurate numbers.
They reached out to the Committee of the Beirut Blast victims Families, the Beirut Fire Brigade Martyrs Committee, and a number of residents of the neighboring areas of the port, for their data, in addition to some experts inside and outside Lebanon.
According to Naqd, “Project 232” is a documentation of some of the memories of August 4 to demand justice.
Adding that, it is also to make our collective memory remain engraved and imprinted in the streets and buildings of Beirut that witnessed the largest non-nuclear explosion in the world, reminding the Lebanese and those concerned of the importance and necessity of achieving justice.
“Project 232” website page contains all the general information related to the Beirut Blast, including windows that take you to the documented sites, which are the port of Beirut and its neighboring areas, Electricité du Liban and its surroundings, Mar Mikhael Street, and Gemmayzeh Street.
Every page contains specific information about an area, such as videos, photos, and audio recordings, as well as the number of victims in the specified location.
Lebanon is in mourning today as it marks the second anniversary of the Beirut explosion, which killed hundreds of people and devastated the Lebanese capital.