Lebanon is home to over 60 native tree species, trees that are indigenous to the country. They develop and occur naturally, and have long existed in Lebanon.
According to the AUB Nature Conservation Center, Lebanon has 67 native tree species. Here are some of them:
#1 Cedar of Lebanon (Cedrus libani)
#2 Cilician Fir (Abies cilicica)
#3 Stone Pine (Pinus pinea)
#4 Carob Tree (Ceratonia siliqua)

#5 Judas Tree (Cercis siliquastrum)
#6 Mahaleb (Prunus mahaleb)

#7 Lebanon Oak (Quercus libani)
#8 Turkey Oak (Quercus cerris)
#9 Kermes Oak (Quercus coccifera)
#10 Wild Almond (Prunus dulcis)
#11 Grecian Juniper (Juniperus excelsa)
#12 Taurus Maple (Acer tauricolum)
#13 Syrian Pear (Pyrus syriaca)
#14 Syrian Maple (Acer syriacum Boiss. & Gaill.)

#15 Palestine Pistachio (Pistacia palaestina/Terebinth)
#16 Olive (Olea europaea)
#17 Syrian Juniper (Juniperus drupacea)