A private forensic pathologist hired by Lokman Slim‘s family revealed no signs of torture on the body of the well-known journalist and critic of Hezbollah, who was found dead in his car, with several gunshots in his body on Thursday.
Due to multiple delayed investigations, such as the now-infamous Beirut’s blast probe, Slim‘s family expressed little trust that a local investigation would result in answers as to who had assassinated him and why.
Some officials had said that Slim might have been tortured because of some bruises in his body. The family prompted to hire a private forensic pathologist to conduct an independent autopsy.
Up until now, the circumstances surrounding his killing are still a mystery, and the family wants to know why he was killed and the criminals to be brought to justice.
A demand shared by the Lebanese public calling for justice and a transparent investigation.
Slim was under constant threats from Hezbollah members but, as his wife Monica Bormann told the Associated Press on Monday, “it is not enough to say we know his enemies and that is it.”
“I really want to find out. I want to know why. I want to know who and I want an international investigation,” she said, sharing with the media outlet that she is currently working on that with lawyers, and, as a German citizen, she might also push for a probe in Germany.
In response to the multiple fingers pointing at Hezbollah, the Iran-backed party denounced the killing, charging that it is being “exploited politically and by the media.”