Content warning – If you or someone you know needs to talk to someone, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the friendly team at Embrace by calling 1564.
A devastating event took place in Hamra, Beirut on the morning of Friday, July 3rd. Sadly, a man ended his life because of the economic hardships and the unbearable situation in Lebanon.
His name was Ali Al Haq. He shot himself in the head in broad daylight. He was carrying a Lebanese flag and a copy of his clean criminal record.
His death in itself is a clear message of agony, but he also left behind an important note. His words have since been trending on Twitter:
“I am not a Kafer” (meaning I am not faithless/a sinner/a blasphemer).
In a religious context, taking one’s life is considered an unforgivable sin. But according to MTV News, the man’s message continued saying, “Hunger is ‘Kafer’.”
“I am not faithless, hunger is faithless.”
Protesters gathered in Hamra as anger towards the government intensified after Ali’s death, reported NNA.
“He killed himself from hunger,” yelled Ali’s cousin as authorities carried his body away.
People on Twitter have been dedicating this event to Lebanese politicians, holding them accountable for Ali’s death.
Is the hunger he was forced to endure any more forgivable?
“Ali has not committed suicide. Ali has been killed,” tweeted Eli Al Rahi.
“This is on you, Mr. ‘President’,” tweeted another user.
His death is proof that Lebanese people have been pushed to the brink. According to An-Nahar, this is the second suicide reported on the same day in relation to the financial situation.
Some people cannot afford to buy bread or other basic commodities and their fridges are going empty. (note: suicide is not the answer).
Supermarket shelves are emptying completely. There was recently a hold up in a pharmacy simply for diapers.
On top of that, there are severe power cuts across the country.
Nevertheless, the Lebanese people are sticking together. Mike Sport shut its doors because of the economic situation and was joined by many local businesses in protest for change.
On June 2nd, they held a sit-in in Martyrs Square in Beirut.
The Lebanese people are back in the streets, holding on to a shred of hope that they can change Lebanon for all the people who can no longer bear the crisis.
The situation has become unbearable to some to a point of no return, as in the case of Ali. However, people are strongly urged to help each other, to ask for help from each other, and to stand strong with each other to overcome this devastating phase.
The Lebanese nation might be today ‘orphan’ of responsible parents but the siblings are there, an enormous mass of siblings taking care of each other, and fighting through together.
No one should feel alone in this nor be made to feel alone.
Content warning – If you or someone you know needs to talk to someone, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the friendly team at Embrace by calling 1564.