Power Outages Propel Lebanon Centuries Back (Pictures)


Lebanon and power cuts… A story that doesn’t end and that will go down in history as the worst misgovernance the country has ever got to endure.

True, people got accustomed to the generators’ lifestyle, and “Kahraba aw Moteur?” is a question you will hear several times a day in every Lebanese home.

However, on this day and time, most generator owners don’t even have enough fuel to keep their engines going, and electricity companies have just… stopped providing electricity.

Every day is a new crisis, a new problem for the Lebanese people: no jobs, no merchandise, no meat, no security,… And now, no lights.

And as usual, this problem affects everybody living in Lebanon, and it affects them in their everyday activities. From attending classes, functioning at work, and getting their groceries to seeking medical attention, cooking, and so on.

But the ones who get it the toughest are the sick. This heartbreaking footage circled the internet a couple of weeks ago in Lebanon.

These parents had to take their sick baby to the electricity company in Kadisha, Behsas for a crucially needed power supply to his medical mask.

طفل مريض بعمر ال ٩ اشهر وبحاجة لاخذ علاجه عبر جهاز الـ mask ٦ مرات يومياً ،

طفل مريض بعمر ال ٩ اشهر وبحاجة لاخذ علاجه عبر جهاز الـ mask ٦ مرات يومياً ، وقد احضره والديه الى مبنى شركة كهرباء قاديشا في البحصاص ، للدخول واعطاءه العلاج عبر الجهاز الذي يحتاج لوصله بالتيار الكهربائي. #كلن_يعني_كلن

تم النشر بواسطة ‏طلعت ريحتكم‏ في الخميس، ٢ يوليو ٢٠٢٠

Their 9-month young child needs to take his treatment 6 times a day from a device that runs on power. The long-prolonged power outage put the child’s life at risk. His parents had to rush him to the electricity station…

In another scenario, a series of pictures were posted online from inside one of the supermarkets in Lebanon, captioned: “If you want to do your shopping, bring a candle with you to the supermarket.”

اذا بدك تروح على السبينس بالضبية جيب معك شمعة او قداحة فيها ضو مشان تقدر تشوف وتتسوق لأن مفيها كهربا #عهد_الذل

تم النشر بواسطة ‏طرابلس جوهرة الشمال – Trablos Jawharet El Shamal‏ في الثلاثاء، ٧ يوليو ٢٠٢٠

And again, another picture from inside one of the classes at the Lebanese University in Lebanon. These students are using their phones for light… again because of the power cut.

تم النشر بواسطة ‏‎Lebanese University Comics‎‏ في الثلاثاء، ٧ يوليو ٢٠٢٠

In an era where humans largely depend on electricity for many of their daily needs, from preserving their food to treating illnesses, this situation has propelled Lebanon centuries back. No exaggeration.

People have been protesting daily in front of the state-run Electricity of Lebanon (EDL) for the most basic of a citizen’s rights: Electricity.

#مستمرون ?? #لبنان_ينتفض ??

تم النشر بواسطة ‏‎STOP Cultural Terrorism in Lebanon‎‏ في الثلاثاء، ٧ يوليو ٢٠٢٠

Meanwhile, while the citizens are living in the dark and trying to function without power supply, the Minister of Energy Raymond Ghajar is reportedly holding sessions over the completion of the controversial project of the Bisri Dam.

وزير الطاقة يعقد جلسات في السراي الحكومي للبحث في استكمال سد بسري فيما البلد يغرق بالعتمة!لا يزال وزير الطاقة ريمون…

تم النشر بواسطة ‏Save the Bisri Valley أنقذوا مرج بسري‏ في الثلاثاء، ٧ يوليو ٢٠٢٠