Despite the recent unfortunate confrontations between the Lebanese Internal Security Forces (ISF) and the protesters in the streets, the ISF and the Army are doing their best to continue protecting the people.
Worth pointing out that their job put them in a very difficult position between the understandably angry people and the political authorities.
They have been trying to ensure that the protests remain peaceful, properties are protected, and people are safe from the coronavirus threat.
In various instances, they were seen handing over face masks on the roads. On Tuesday, they distributed face masks to demonstrators at the Ring Bridge.
The current financial situation in Lebanon has weighed people down. The rising prices and the decline of the country’s currency have brought people back onto the streets despite fears of spreading the coronavirus.
Protesters have expressed more concern over their livelihood than of contracting the virus, holding that death by illness is more merciful than dying of hunger.
All over Lebanon, protests have been re-erupting. Just recently, the ISF quarreled with protestors who were closing roads.
Meanwhile, in Tripoli, clashes between the demonstrators and the army have taken a turn for the worst, spiraling out of control. To the protesters, extreme poverty is more life-threatening than any disease.
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