Rebirth Beirut, an NGO established in 2020 for the sustainable development of Beirut, launched the “Light Up Our Community” on Sunday, May 22, to light up the streets of Beirut again.
The initiative aims to bring back the beauty of the “capital of love and life” as expressed by Gaby Fernaine, President of Rebirth Beirut.
The initiative is in cooperation with the Lebanese Petroleum company Medco, which, according to Fernaine, “will provide incentives to owners of generators and buildings” involved in the initiative.
The initiative is funded by USAID, “which supplied and installed 500 LED lighting devices in Beirut’s most affected streets after the explosion of the port in 2020,” Fernaine said.
Expressing enthusiasm for the project, the Chief Innovation Officer at Medco, Michelle Shammas, said: “Our dream is for Beirut to live and to remain alive all the time. Thanks to Rebirth Beirut we can give back to our community and support our capital.”
The head of the Syndicate of Restaurants, Cafes, Nightclubs, and Patisserie in Lebanon, Tony Al-Rami, highlighted that this initiative comes during very hard and difficult working conditions for the owners of the F&B institutions.
The Governor of Beirut, Judge Marwan Abboud, concluded the ceremony, expressing that “the emergence of these initiatives is due to the weakness and absence of the state”.
Rebirth Beirut had previously launched the initiative “With every traffic light we ignite hope” to light traffic lights in Beirut after the nationwide power outages hit Lebanon.