As an exceptional move to allow all Lebanese in the diaspora to vote in the coming elections, the Lebanese embassies and consulates abroad are renewing passports that had lost their validity.
If you have registered to vote in your country of residence abroad, but your passport is no longer valid, you can have it renewed at your consulate or embassy before the elections day.
The renewal is “Strictly for Voting” and can’t be used for traveling or entering Lebanon.
The invalid passport must be the Biometric or Blue, issued since 2003. The renewal fee is around $10 (depending on your country of residence) and should be paid in cash.
Some Lebanese consulates and embassies are opening exceptionally on Saturday this week to receive and process renewal requests.
On voting day, you are required to present a valid Lebanese passport OR the Lebanese plastic-laminated ID. Hence the importance to renew your passport, if invalid, the soonest.
Registered voters, in the diaspora as in Lebanon, should have received by now an email with a link inviting them to check for the exact location of the voting center and station number where they should present themselves to cast their vote.
Otherwise, visit here or the website of the Lebanese Directorate General of Civil Status and follow the instructions.