5 Signs Spring is Coming in Lebanon

Our typical Mediterranean climate makes the Lebanese four seasons equally beautiful. Our cold winters, our warm springs, our hot summers, and our pleasant autumns, all bring their own aesthetic merits to our land and environment.

It is almost springtime in the country and we are starting to feel the cold soothing down and the daylight extending further in the evenings as the spring flowers have started blooming in a canvas of vibrant colors. 

It is Spring showing up its lovely face, shyly for now, but surely. We don’t need a calendar to tell us. We know it by these particularly revealing signs: 

#1 Snow Melting

The snowfall that was left in abundance by the storms that hit Lebanon throughout the Winter starts melting, creating an amazing scenery on the mountains.

#2 Beautiful Blooms

One of the early and common signs of our spring is the blooming flowers. Many are our types of flowers that make an early appearance in Lebanon, forming together spectacular landscapes.

#3 Budding Trees

Lebanon is highly rich in its variety of trees, plants, and flowers. With the winter retreating, our trees start looking like brides readying in beauty, their branches budding colorfully to burst alive in their full glory known to our Springs.

#4 Greenfields and colorful landscapes

Another sign announcing that spring is nearly here is the change of colors that occurs in the fields. You can start witnessing nature painting the landscapes in colors and the fields in vibrant green.

#5 The sun is out

One of the most revealing signs of spring in the country is that we get to see the sun more often. In the past few days, you should have all realized that the Sun has been shining more often and with warmer rays.

Walk out of the house and look around you. It is everywhere! In the blooming fields, on the budding branches of the trees, in the mountains losing up their snowy caps, and in the sky that seems to smile brighter. Spring is just less than a week away!