Will you own the video?
You remain the owner of the video and you’re free to publish it on your socials. You grant us the exclusive right to post it on our platforms.
Will you help protect my content?
Yes, we use software to monitor the internet to ensure no one is using your content without authorization. Once you give us the rights above, we offer this service for free to you.
How can I make money and what does it mean to grant you the management to license to 3rd party?
If you opt-in to have us manage your content to 3rd parties, you grant us the right to sublicense the content to 3rd parties on your behalf to pay to use the content as per the basis of the terms.
Our team reaches out, handles inquiries, markets and sells the content, negotiates, monitors, and protects the video, and collects payment. We then split the earnings with you as per the agreement.
Who do you sublicense and sell the content to?
Potential buyers are usually social media pages, media companies, brands and advertisers, government agencies, international media outlets, and more. This is why we also work with a regional partner who helps us distribute it further.
How much can I earn?
It really depends and it’s not guaranteed. Most who will use your content will do so without authorization to grow their pages and will not want to pay for it. We see this among Lebanese Instagram and Facebook pages mostly. But we get brands and advertisers interested in using it in campaigns and are willing to pay.
We charge depending on how long they have the content up and per view. This is why we take down unauthorized ones in order to drive more traffic and views to our sublicensees – which then not only earns you more from the video but will ensure they come back for more.