Just in time for Christmas, Lebanon will be expecting between Monday night and Tuesday morning the first and biggest snowstorm for this winter season. We’re just a few hours away from a trough that holds wind, rain, and unstable weather. As we expect the storm and a very wintery Christmas, here’s what to look forward to and prepare for:
Weather Specialist father Elie Khnaysser gave the warning of a high degree storm starting to hit Lebanon on Monday, 23 December night and be at its fullest on Tuesday 24 December morning.
The start will consist of strong, fast, and dusty winds at 50 km per hour, with also a possibility of reaching 100 km/hr on Tuesday and Thursday, along with foggy and cloudy skies.
Wednesday will bring flooding rain for all Lebanese regions, especially Jounieh and its surroundings, and Nehmeh, Damour and Sidon, which will get the biggest portion.
It will then be followed by Tripoli, Batroun, Becharri, Zgharta, Jbeil, Kessrwan, El-Matn, Shouf, Jezzin, Nabatiyeh, Akkar, Bekaa, with the second-biggest portion of rain. These floods will continue till Friday evening.
So by Christmas morning, Lebanese people all over will get their share of very heavy and strong rain. Be sure to prepare for it. As for snow, only 1500 meters and higher regions will get their snowy weather, since it won’t come on low levels.
Those regions are to expect snow starting Wednesday night and until Thursday. Heavy snow on 1700 meters and above will prepare Lebanon for its ski season. Hence, Lebanon will be in the eye of the storm between Wednesday and Thursday, due to the 48 hours continuous raining and the snow falls on said heights.
Father Khnaysser also spoke about a possibility of snow falling on lower levels on New Year’s, to go as low as 900 and 1000 meters, though this is not confirmed yet. Looks like Lebanon’s 2020 will be white!
Until the new year, be ready for thunderstorms, hail and very cold weather with a remarkable drop of temperature. We are already seeing the clouds that foreshadow rain and snow in Lebanon’s sky, so I hope everyone took advantage of the nice weather, because it looks like we’re on to experience winter at its peak this week!
Stay safe, dry, and warm everyone, and do your best to enjoy these changes and all the snowy activities they’ll bring your way! And remember, the sun always shines after a storm; in all that it means today for Lebanon.