“The Insult,” a film by Ziad Doueiri, represents the relationship between a Christian Lebanese and a Palestinian refugee in Lebanon. Tony (Adel Karam) and Yasser (Kamel El Basha) have a fight that leads them to a courtroom. This Lebanese film is a huge success! The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
that “The Insult” is
shortlisted for the Best Foreign Language Film award
for the 90th Academy Awards.
The screening of the movie at the Venice Film Festival was followed by a 5-minute standing ovation. The director Ziad Doueiri received the
“Best Arab Talent of the Year” Award for 2017
from Variety magazine. Also,
“The Insult” topped the box office in Lebanon
and took 44% of all movie admissions during its opening week. The Lebanese Diaspora in the United States will finally have the opportunity to watch this movie! “The Insult” will hit New York and Los Angeles on January 12, 2018.