“The Perfect Picture” by the acclaimed Lebanese film director Hala El Kouch was officially selected to take part in the Arab Film Festival, which is one of the largest in North America.
“This time we’re going to San Francisco, Los Angeles, and then New York. The journey continues and I can’t be more grateful to everything and everyone. We’ve come a very long way,” expressed El Kouch on her Instagram account.
In the film, the acclaimed Lebanese filmmaker creates a therapy session to confront her parents about a traumatic event and interrogates them over a few days, however, the conversation takes an unexpected turn.
After showcasing a stream of images, videos, and photographs from the family album, Hala’s parents behave in a loving way towards each other and their daughter. However, she insists that this perfect picture has been tainted, as she can no longer trust her parents.
The film, which is directed by Hala El Kouch and stars Walid El Kouch, Naziha El Kouch, and Hala El Kouch herself, has won 8 awards to date and participated in 30 film festivals around the world.
Previously, the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (IDFA) selected the young Lebanese director and photographer to take part in “Project Space” with her documentary “The Place Where I Belong.”
Here is “The Perfect Picture” trailer:
Related: Meet The Young & Acclaimed Lebanese Film Director Hala El Kouch