The 10+ things all Lebanese drama series have in common

If you watch Lebanese series, you definitely know there is something wrong with them. Whether it’s a comedy or a drama, almost all series in Lebanon have these things in common.

#1 Full makeup

  No. Nobody wakes up with full makeup on.

#2 “El cherke”

  In almost every Lebanese drama, the main character owns a company. We never know what kind of company it is.

#3 “El aser”

It’s not a castle; it’s a villa.

#4 Extravagance and luxury

Yeah as if everyone lives in a villa and travels twelve times a month. We need to chill down.

#5 Dialects

  They mix several dialects in one sentence.

#6 Breakfasts

Let’s be real for a second. Who has time to have a full breakfast in the morning? Except for students at Hogwarts, literally, no one has a similar breakfast every day! We wake up early, barely have breakfast, and still be late for college/work because of the traffic. They’re living in a different dimension.

#7 Insults

“Ya ha2ira, ya rkhisa, ya watye, ya kezzebe…” and the list goes on and on. It’s so cringy.

#8 Weird language

“3abath hayda l hadis.” They say fancy words we only use when writing essays.

#9 Names and relationships

This is how people call each other in Lebanese series: Sami ya sadi2e, Nohad ya bent 3amme, etc.

#10 Rich girl / poor guy or vice versa

A rich guy falls in love with a poor girl while being engaged to a girl that his parents approved of. We are sick of this storyline. Next.

#11 The characters pack their bags at the slightest inconvenience

They dump their clothes from the closet into their suitcases like there’s no tomorrow.

#12 The characters only drive selected car brands 

They drive the following cars: BMW, Mercedes, and Range Rover. Like I want to see a Chevrolet or a Volkswagen or any other car for once. Just once.