At the dawn of Tuesday, November 26, anonymous thugs set fire at the entrance to Al-Bohsass Central Ogero of the city of Tripoli, using flammable material and causing damage only to the outside metal door. The equipment and the insides were fortunately unharmed.
Firefighters worked to extinguish the fire, impeding it to expand inward. From their side, the security forces launched an investigation into the incident to identify the perpetrators.
Meanwhile, accusatory fingers were quick to point at Tripoli’s revolutionaries, although Nour Square, where they do their sit-in every night, is at about 30 minutes’ walk from the Ogero station in Bohsass.
The Lebanese protesters of Tripoli prompted to respond, in the only way they know and have been since the very start of the revolution:
Constructively. They actually enacted the main purpose of their protest: Clean up the mess done by others in order to build a better country.
They formed a group, gathered repair and cleaning tools, and headed to Ogero in Al-Bohsass to help fix the damage and clean the fire mess at the entrance.
Their action was welcomed by the Chairman Director General at Ogero Telecom, Mr. Imad Kreidieh. He shared the young people’s picture on his Twitter account with the following caption:
“I was told this morning that the protesters burned the entrance of Al-Bohsass Central. I smiled and I answered that the revolutionaries have nothing to do with this act, but they will react. Only a few hours passed and the smile on my face and on the faces of all Ogero’s staff grew bigger as we saw the honest revolutionaries returning to the public domain its fitting appearance. Thank you!!”
That’s the good reputation the people of the revolution have built through these past weeks. That Chairman Director General of Ogero was so confident that they “will react” in a way or another to help out with their positive and constructive attitude.
That’s because the revolutionaries have gained the trust of the citizens around them by being who they are: Good and honest citizens.
The fire incident got quite a coverage on social media and television broadcasts, yet the initiative of the protesters didn’t. Barely no one talked about it.
If it weren’t for the testimonial tweet of the Chairman Director-General, it would have been completely blacked out and the accusations would have gotten bigger and stronger.
And that’s what seemed to have been the purpose behind that violation, which has been recurrent these past days around in Lebanon, and the media – social or news – are tagging along with it, knowingly or unknowingly.
It has become very obvious that those hidden in the shadows as they execute negative and harmful things are deliberately doing so to bring blame on the revolutionaries, and tarnish the revolution’s peaceful image.
The conflicts that were orchestrated these past two nights to incite hatred and fear among the people and recreate a civil war are also part of that scheme.
We have entered a new critical phase of the Revolution as the losing sides have become desperate to regain control of the people, acting at any cost that the country might pay.
We caution all the Lebanese of goodwill to resist that type of dangerous maneuvers and think more than twice so as not to fall in the traps and get carried away. Whether you are a pro-revolution or not, the safety of our country must come first.