In case you missed it, Ogero has been testing out the maximum capability of the current internet infrastructure. Imad Kreideh, the new director general of Ogero, held a live Q&A on Facebook where he announced the company’s plans to improve the internet in Lebanon.
Chairman Director General @ikreidieh announcing the plan to launch the LEBANESE NETWORK FOR INTERNET OF THINGS #Ogero #Lebanon
— Ogero Telecom (@ogero_telecom) 24 April 2017
was that they will be testing the maximum available internet speeds – uncapped. Over 130,000 people in Beirut alone were able to test out these speeds during a 3-day period. On Thursday, April 27th, Ogero will be “unleashing the speed” in 6 locations:
- Tripoli Tell
- Tripoli Mina
- Bab El Tebbeneh
- Zgharta
- Batroun
- Jounieh
It’s TOMORROW! Tag your friends in Day 4 of #UnleashTheSpeed and send us your testing feedback on:
— Ogero Telecom (@ogero_telecom) 26 April 2017
If you live in any of the above locations, you are encouraged to leave them feedback during or after the testing. You can do so
. Almost all the feedback from Beirut’s testing was positive.
#UnleashTheSpeed #Feedback @ogero_telecom @ikreidieh Thanks 🙂
— Khaled Mneimneh (@Devel0per95) 13 April 2017
#UnleashTheSpeed good day today. WOW.
— Hassan Farhat (@hasan_farhat) 13 April 2017
@ikreidieh @ogero_telecom never expected those speeds in New Rawda. Keep it up! #UnleashTheSpeed
— gilbert jabbour (@gilbertj32) 13 April 2017