Lebanese tourists abroad are a world on their own. They are big travelers, for sure, but they have their unique characteristics as touristic visitors.
Posts a picture of their passport and boarding pass on Instagram
That’s the most basic thing you can expect from a Lebanese tourist. If someone tells you at the airport that he/she is Lebanese and he/she doesn’t do this, do your conversational investigation!
Gets excited when they meet a fellow Lebanese tourist
It is delightful when you hear someone speaking Lebanese abroad. Two minutes into the conversation and you find out that either you are from the same region or you’re somehow related.
Misses Lebanese food even though the trip will last just for a few days
Let’s make this clear: nothing in the world will ever top a man2ouche for breakfast. Also, Lebanese bread is the best.
Visits a Lebanese restaurant
Compares everything with Lebanon
“Ma habbet l khyar bi Amerka, medre kif henne.” Basically, “I didn’t like the cucumbers in America, they’re weird.”
“Choufo l hadara”
They’re talking about something super basic here when they comment “Look at civilization,” like a crosswalk or traffic lights.
“Sarit l se3a 6 w ma n2ata3it l kahraba”
It’s 6 pm and the electricity hasn’t cut off…
If you’ve ever been abroad, you certainly got a mini heart attack when you plugged in the hairdryer and thought the power would go off.
Gets excited about using the metro/train because the only time we use trains in Lebanon is in Jeita Grotto and Dream Park
Lebanese kids are the only ones that get super excited to ride the train in an amusement park. If you have ever used the metro or train, you know that they are super convenient. We absolutely need them in Lebanon.
Complains that there’s no toum
This is how disappointed Lebanese tourists look when they are eating chicken without toum (garlic):
Posts the pictures of their trip for a year
Lebanese tourists will post the pictures of their trips FOREVER.