Tarboosh, a product by
, has been a classic Lebanese snack since 1960. Filled with marshmallow and covered with a thin chocolate layer, Tarboosh is a part of the typical Lebanese childhood. Recently, Faller, a French chocolate brand, introduced a new product. Big Mousse is the French version of our beloved Tarboosh. According to this brand, Big Mousse should be eaten with a spoon. Where is the fun in that? Although the ingredients are the same, there are numerous versions of this delicacy in France. For instance, some of them contain nuts, while others are covered with chocolate sprinkles. It is also known as
tête au choco
. This type of chocolate has different versions in many countries around the world!
#1 Canada
#2 Germany
Schokokuss (chocolate kiss)
#3 Switzerland
Tête au choco (chocolate head) The designs of the packages of Tarboosh and Le Petit Perrier look the same. Le Petit Perrier is a product by
a Swiss chocolate manufacturer. According to its website, Le Petit Perrier has been created in 1969. Tarboosh has been introduced by
in 1960.
#4 United Kingdom
Chocolate teacake
#5 United States