Lebanon’s elections have kick-started today, Friday, May 6th, for the Lebanese diaspora in Arab countries.
The Lebanese Association for Democratic Elections (LADE) registered an objection on Twitter after the live broadcast from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Beirut stopped for more than 15 minutes.
It was reported that the monitors stopped due to “technical reasons” related to the slow Internet connection.
The Live Monitoring operations room is a first in Lebanon. It was launched on Thursday by PM Najib Mikati and Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib to monitor the voting process in the diaspora.
PM Mikati declared it a historic and important moment, as it bridges “live” Lebanon with the Lebanese abroad.
The awaited Parliamentary elections come at a challenging time for Lebanon amid a very severe socio-economic crisis and a massive public dissatisfaction with the ruling officials and parties.
New voices and political movements have arisen from the civic society, aiming for parliament seats to change the dysfunctional status quo and implement the much-needed reforms.
The diaspora has mobilized to vote from their countries of residence, with the 2nd day scheduled for Sunday, May 8th. The monitoring of the voting process from Lebanon is expected to cover all day; if no “technical reasons” arise like on the first day.