We say we’ve seen it all in Lebanon. Maybe we have, but we’re not as blasé as to pass by some without gawking in shock or laughing hilariously… or even cussing…
Weird, funny, scary, or totally shocking, here are some Lebanese street sights caught on camera:
Water pouring from a traffic light
What did the class teacher once say about water and running electricity?
Free shower… since it’s being generously offered
A goat taking some liberties
A wedding photoshoot in the middle of the street
That’s how important weddings are in Lebanon… If some need to block the roads to take some photos, 3zeron ma3on.
Yoga in the middle of the street
You got to love yoga. It’s really liberating …as you can see...
Protecting the load

Nope, it isn’t a make-belief James Bond film…
An escaping detainee lost in the street
A waterfall in the wrong place at the wrong time
Lost in translation
Can you detect what’s driving what?

Making the best out of the worst
“Where do I go from here?”
Delivery on its way
Who said curiosity is a thing of cats?
Guess in which car is the driver?

Driving on the sidewalk
The garbage container on a solo ride
It eventually found a companion to continue its trip with…