Lebanon’s elections are well known for their intricate political schemes and unorthodoxies. This year’s election is shaping up differently with the bold rise of revolutionary youths driven by the existential need for deep change in the political arena.
Probably for the first time in decades, the traditional parties will be facing tough competition for parliamentarian seats they had been clamping for decades.
Many of these long-standing parties are reorganizing their electoral skills for one more fateful attempt against any tangible change shimmering under the debris.
Lebanon comprises 9 electoral districts, each with a varying number of seats for sectarian representation. For a more detailed look at the status quo, here is the list of all the candidates of the West Beirut district running for parliament.
Note: In the list below, PSP stands for the Progressive Socialist Party and FPM for the Free Patriotic Movement.
Candidate Name | Sect | Electoral List |
Faiysal Afif Sayegh | Druze | Beirut Confronts (Seniora & PSP) |
George Fouad Haddad | Evangelical | Beirut Confronts (Seniora & PSP) |
Michel Dib Fallah | Greek Orthodox | Beirut Confronts (Seniora & PSP) |
Ahmed Ibrahim Ayyash | Shia | Beirut Confronts (Seniora & PSP) |
Abdelrahman Mbashar | Sunni | Beirut Confronts (Seniora & PSP) |
Bashir Mahmoud Itani | Sunni | Beirut Confronts (Seniora & PSP) |
Khaled Qabbani | Sunni | Beirut Confronts (Seniora & PSP) |
Lina Omar Taneer | Sunni | Beirut Confronts (Seniora & PSP) |
Majid Mwaffaq Dimashqiyeh | Sunni | Beirut Confronts (Seniora & PSP) |
Zeina Ibrahim Masri | Sunni | Beirut Confronts (Seniora & PSP) |
Rima Hassib Abo Shakra | Druze | Beirut Madinati |
Maha Assad al-Rasi | Evangelical | Beirut Madinati |
Paula Nicolas Rabiyz | Greek Orthodox | Beirut Madinati |
Nahida Mohamad Khalil | Shia | Beirut Madinati |
Faisal Temrawi | Sunni | Beirut Madinati |
Sarah Salim Yassine | Sunni | Beirut Madinati |
Zeina Kamal Mounzer | Druze | Beirut Needs a Heart (Makhzoumi) |
Omar Dabbaghi | Evangelical | Beirut Needs a Heart (Makhzoumi) |
Zeina Nabih Majdelani | Greek Orthodox | Beirut Needs a Heart (Makhzoumi) |
Lina Mohamad Ali Hamdan | Shia | Beirut Needs a Heart (Makhzoumi) |
Olfat Hamza Sabeh | Shia | Beirut Needs a Heart (Makhzoumi) |
Abdellatif Riad Itani | Sunni | Beirut Needs a Heart (Makhzoumi) |
Fouad Makhzoumi | Sunni | Beirut Needs a Heart (Makhzoumi) |
Hassan Kashli | Sunni | Beirut Needs a Heart (Makhzoumi) |
Kareem Fouad Shbaglo | Sunni | Beirut Needs a Heart (Makhzoumi) |
Mazen Fayez Shabaro | Sunni | Beirut Needs a Heart (Makhzoumi) |
Nabil Ahmad Bassam Najja | Sunni | Beirut Needs a Heart (Makhzoumi) |
Hani Anis el-Ahmadiyyeh | Druze | Beirut the Change |
Nohad Salim Yazbek | Evangelical | Beirut the Change |
Melhem Emile Khalaf | Greek Orthodox | Beirut the Change |
Ali Kamel Abbas | Shia | Beirut the Change |
Mahmoud Kamel Fakih | Shia | Beirut the Change |
Fatima Ahmed Mushrif | Sunni | Beirut the Change |
Ibrahim Hassan Mneimneh | Sunni | Beirut the Change |
Iman Wael Tabbara | Sunni | Beirut the Change |
Rashdi Adan Qabbani | Sunni | Beirut the Change |
Samah Hassan Halwani | Sunni | Beirut the Change |
Waddah Ibrahim Sade Sadek | Sunni | Beirut the Change |
Nassib Camille Jawhari | Druze | Beirut United (FPM & Hezbollah) |
Edgar Joseph Traboulsi | Evangelical | Beirut United (FPM & Hezbollah) |
Rami Maalouf | Greek Orthodox | Beirut United (FPM & Hezbollah) |
Amin Sharri | Shia | Beirut United (FPM & Hezbollah) |
Mohamed Khawaja | Shia | Beirut United (FPM & Hezbollah) |
Abdallah Ghassan Matraji | Sunni | Beirut United (FPM & Hezbollah) |
Almutassam Billah Fawzi Adham | Sunni | Beirut United (FPM & Hezbollah) |
Maha Khalil Shatila | Sunni | Beirut United (FPM & Hezbollah) |
Hadi Najib Adib Hosni | Evangelical | Capable |
Alexi Gibran Haddad | Greek Orthodox | Capable |
Ali Rida Diana Shiran | Shia | Capable |
Mohamad Nasser | Shia | Capable |
Omar Abdelnasr Sabra | Sunni | Capable |
Waam Fawwaz Dallal | Druze | Capable |
Samir Halabi | Druze | So Beirut Stays |
Dalal Halim Rahbani | Evangelical | So Beirut Stays |
Nicolas Najib Saba | Greek Orthodox | So Beirut Stays |
Ahmed Mukhtar Khaled | Sunni | So Beirut Stays |
Fouad Adel Deek | Sunni | So Beirut Stays |
lyad Mahmoud Merhi | Sunni | So Beirut Stays |
Khouloud Mawfig el-Wattar | Sunni | So Beirut Stays |
Mohamed Eid Abdelgader Shehab | Sunni | So Beirut Stays |
Rasha Mohamad Itani | Sunni | So Beirut Stays |
Wissam Abo Fakhr | Druze | This is Beirut |
Harotian Samuel Kokozian | Evangelical | This is Beirut |
Khalil Emile Brumana | Greek Orthodox | This is Beirut |
Haidar Hassan Bazzi | Shia | This is Beirut |
Hoda Aassi | Shia | This is Beirut |
Imad Medhat el-Hout | Sunni | This is Beirut |
Mahmoud Mahieddine Jamal | Sunni | This is Beirut |
Marwan Rafic Salam | Sunni | This is Beirut |
Mohamed Nabil Othman Badr | Sunni | This is Beirut |
Nabil Itani | Sunni | This is Beirut |
Yusra Abdelhafiz Taneer | Sunni | This is Beirut |
lyad Hussain el-Banna | Druze | To Beirut |
Mary Fadi Jalkh | Evangelical | To Beirut |
Jihad Ali Hamoud | Shia | To Beirut |
Adan Khader Trablousi | Sunni | To Beirut |
Ahmad Dabbagh | Sunni | To Beirut |
Khaled Ibrahim Hankir | Sunni | To Beirut |
Mohamed Bilal Khalil Arab | Sunni | To Beirut |
Mohamed Nohad Ardromali | Sunni | To Beirut |
Walid Bashir Itani | Sunni | To Beirut |
Naim Ayyash | Druze | Yes to Beirut |
Ali Hassan Fassaai | Shia | Yes to Beirut |
Yassin Kassem Fawaz | Shia | Yes to Beirut |
Ayman Khader Ali Mohamad | Sunni | Yes to Beirut |
Maya Saadeddine Shatila | Sunni | Yes to Beirut |
Samer Mohamed Ghazi Yahia | Sunni | Yes to Beirut |