The “Association des caves du Mont Liban” is organizing the Festival Du Vin from Friday, August 19 until Sunday, August 21, 2022.
The wine festival, which will be taking place at the Place de l’Eglise Notre Dame, in Boulogne, Mount Lebanon, will feature many performances by:
- Friday, August 19: Sahar Dance School, Roger Zarzour, and Rudy Chidiac
- Saturday, August 20: Rita Kamar Zumba Show and Majd Chaccour
- Sunday, August 21: Roger Zarzour and Samer Maroon
You will also get to meet winemakers, and enjoy wine, food, as well as good music every night of the event, starting at 7:00 pm.
The entrance fees for the Festival Du Vin event in LBP 100,000. For inquiries, contact 03 101 411.