A traffic safety and enforcement system is being set-up in Beirut to reduce drivers who cross a red light. The Traffic Management Center is teaming up with Sensys Gatso Group to set it up. Sensys Gatso Group is a Swedish company and a leading provider of traffic management solutions. They are a reputable company that has set up their systems in cities around the world. The one being set up in Lebanon is the Red-Light Enforcement system. The first test of the red-light cameras began last week and over 17 violations were reported in just 140 seconds. In a recent tweet, the Traffic Management Center said that the system is already active in certain parts of Beirut. They will be kicking off a widespread campaign soon to launch it officially across Beirut. The system includes either a Red-light and/or speed enforcement. The Traffic Management Center has opted-in for both, the red-light enforcement as well as the speed enforcement! The system works 24/7 and 365 days despite the weather or light conditions. The company claims:
No court case has ever been lost as a result of our technology
There are sensors on 2 points on the road. Crossing each one will activate a certain feature in the cameras. When you cross them, the cameras take a picture of your car, plate number, and the drive’s face. Then you will receive the traffic violation in the mail. This will include images of the violation, an image of your face, an image of your plate number, the exact date and time it happened – down to the exact second, the location and how fast you were going. This is the video produced by the company showing exactly how it works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNxMmzSSk0Q