A press conference is set to be held on Wednesday to announce a law proposal that addresses women’s quota in Lebanon’s upcoming elections.
Developed by Fiftyfifty, in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme and with help from legal experts, the law proposal in question aims at implementing women’s quota in the 2022 parliamentary elections in Lebanon.
Fiftyfifty is a Lebanon-based NGO that aims at promoting gender equality in private and public sectors and creating a gender-balanced Lebanon, with main focus on political legislative positions.
The proposal has received support from more than 50 associations and NGOs, represented by the Civil Coalition for Women’s Quota, which is joining Fiftyfifty in organizing the press conference on Wednesday.
The project will be presented before all and political parties and blocs active in Parliament, as well as before emerging parties, to acquire support in hopes that the proposed law would be passed prior to the 2022 elections.
The press conference will take place from 5 PM until 7 PM on Wednesday and involve announcing the project and discussing the details of the proposed law.