The Lebanese diaspora has been heavily active and supportive throughout Lebanon’s almost month-long revolution.
Holding peaceful demonstrations and marches as well as protests and lobbying campaigns in almost every city they currently inhabit around the world.
And just in the same spirit of their Lebanese brothers and sisters back home, the Lebanese diaspora is not showing any signs of stopping, or any lack of creative ideas to voice their concerns and stand in solidarity with their friends and family.
Lebanon celebrates on November 22nd its Independence from the French Mandate, an Independence that had created our sovereign Republic (funny because we still seem to need them for help?).
This year, it is timely in unison with one of Lebanon’s ongoing delicate and unpredictable political eras.
It is to no one’s surprise that this day will mark a truly historic and pivotal moment in this revolution – as well as one which carries incredible amounts of political weight and significance.
Along with multiple local events being organized by protesters on this day, a call has been circulating online to reach out to the Lebanese diaspora, carrying the slogan “We’re flying back to give independence a new meaning!”
The open invitation calls upon members of the Lebanese diaspora to meet in Beirut in order to march from the Beirut International Airport to Martyr’s Square on November 22, 2019.
The ad also has a contact email in order for people who wish to fly home for this momentous occasion to get discounted tickets.
Lebanese people around the world and in Lebanon have left their marks in sweat, blood, and tears on this revolution, and have done so with their integrity, their Lebanese spirit, and their will to peacefully coexist with absolutely no shortage in creative and brilliant messages which exemplify this.
We are hoping this year’s Lebanese Independence Day celebrations will carry us into an era where we can truly enjoy the resilience and strength of our brilliant small country. We are also hoping that we will be able to do so with our hopes, dreams, and aspirations at the frontlines.
Vocal supporters of the Lebanese Revolution are urged to read this before booking their flights.