The Lebanese people are calling out for all Lebanon and the people staying home amid the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak to clap from their balconies for the health workers of Lebanon.
“We are staying home to stop the contagion and to ease pressure on hospitals,” the call-out poster explains, “Let’s clap on our balconies at 9 pm to salute the medical body #AnswerTheCall”.
Health workers have been the heroes of the long days full of coronavirus (COVID-19) fear and risk. Lebanon has declared a health emergency that entails a general mobilization in all Lebanese regions.

The health emergency includes all public and private sectors, excluding supermarkets, banks, and all health-related sectors. Lebanon has called on full lockdown, leaving the health and medical workers on the front.
Hospitals’ medical teams have been aiding coronavirus (COVID-19) patients nonstop since the first case was announced in Lebanon, answering the nation’s call of a health emergency.
Due to the expensive prices of medical hazmat, many members among the medical staff in hospitals and Red Cross ambulance have been sleeping with the hazmat on, as it can only be worn once.

“We need to be soldiers now, standing strong in a battlefield,” explained Lara Hammoud, a registered nurse at Rafik Al-Hariri Hospital. She has been working at the hospital since the first day, nonstop.
Hammoud explained that when she first heard that she will be working close to coronavirus (COVID-19), she refused. Her mother has been fighting cancer and even though she is now fully recovered, she worried that she might put her in danger.
“I may put her in danger if I come closer to her,” Hammoud proceeded to say, “but when the danger becomes a national danger, I am forced to think of the country and the whole nation and not just think of one individual.”

The brave nurse also had a message for her children who, she believes, will not be able to celebrate Mother’s Day this year with her. “My children may celebrate through Skype, but we are not leaving [the hospital], we cannot leave. I need to defend my people and my nation.”
Health heroes have also been fighting outside hospitals. Pharmacists, Red Cross volunteers, and health inspectors are also making sure that people remain safe in-home quarantine and outside hospitals.
They are ensuring that the people have access to the medications needed and that suspected patients are being transported to hospitals, knowing that every coronavirus response costs the Red Cross 850$!
Health inspectors have been roaming the streets of Lebanon to make sure that all stores providing non-primary food commodities remain closed, as well as making sure that all stores providing food commodities stick to hygiene and sanitization.
“I am risking my health and my family’s health,” heath inspector Ghina Abdul Reda explains, “I am exposing myself to tight and crowded places like supermarkets or restaurants that we are asking to shut down.”
“But if this means to save the lives of thousands of Lebanese, so be it. Every consumer has the right to have access to clean and coronavirus-free food, no matter what it takes.” Ghina stressed.
Health workers not only deserve a national applaud, but also a stand-in ovation and honorary awards for standing brave for the sake of the better good!
Tonight, at 9 PM, the Lebanese will be on their balconies applauding them and their heroism in serving our nation at the risk of their own health and lives.