With the worsening economical situation, Lebanon’s pharmaceutical sector is experiencing its darkest times in living history.
On Monday, the head of the Syndicate of Pharmacists in Lebanon, Ghassan Al-Amine, warned of the sector’s imminent collapse.
Over 300 pharmacies across the country have shut their doors, according to Al-Amine. In addition, Lebanon has stopped importing at least 50% of medicine due to the shortage in USD.
“The stock available at importers will barely last for one and a half months, which is scary,” he said in an interview with MTV.
He noted that if a new independent government is not formed quickly, the situation will take a turn for the worse.
He stressed the importance of subsidizing medicine and allowing importers to exchange Lebanese currency to dollars at the official rate (1,515 pounds/dollar).
The citizens of Lebanon have had more pains to endure than is normally possible. That they also get cut off from medication for their physical ailments and treatments would be impossible to bear.