If you are craving Japanese cuisine, going out for sushi would be the greatest choice to make.
The area of Byblos boasts tasty sushi places that will serve you clean and colorful bites of all different kinds.
Even if you are not a sushi fan, these 6 sushi places in Byblos will make you want to try it at least once:
Kirei, Amshit
Kirei has a wide variety of sushi and great specialties that will make you crave more.
From crab, salmon, tuna, and shrimp, you can customize your order, plate, and boat to give yourself a great sushi experience.
For reservations or more information, contact 76-339888
Mon Maki A Moi, Byblos
Mon Maki A Moi is one of the most prestigious sushi places in Lebanon and in Byblos too.
With a fancy setting, wide menu, and specialized staff, it should be on the top of your list if you’re looking for a fancy lunch or dinner.
If you need to contact the Byblos branch, here is their number: 70 737 700.
For the Dbayeh branch, you may contact 76 067 606.
Sushipro, Byblos
Sushipro is a fine and new sushi concept with multiple branches in Lebanon.
It also offers great deals for multiple occasions and different options to satisfy your cravings, and also delivery.
For delivery or reservations, contact them on 81 534 340.
Sushipro’s other branches are: Zouk Mikael, contact 81 534 341, and Zgharta, contact 81 534 342.
Kami Sushi, Byblos
Kami Sushi is also one of Byblos’s fanciest and most sophisticated sushi places.
With a variety of sushi, a fancy setting, and great service, Kami is a great place for a formal sushi meal.
For more info, contact: 09 944 886
Saiiko Sushi Bar – Eddeh Road, Bybloas
Saiiko offers a variety of great sushi at reasonable prices.
Not only are their sushi pieces amazing and refreshing, but they also serve another variety of Japanese cuisine ranging from spring rolls, noodles, and many more which are also beyond delicious.
Saiiko also offers catering services.
For more information, contact 03 434 908
Kyoto, Amshit
Kyoto sushi offers a variety of colorfully rolled sushi. Its prices are also fair and less than other places, making it a perfect destination for anyone looking to have delicious sushi on a budget.
For more info, contact 76086888
For other Kyoto’s branches:
- Zouk Mikayel, contact 81364888
- Zgharta, contact 76087877.
- Chekka, contact 78880411.
- Daher el Ain, contact 76494990.