The Lebanese Education Minister, Abbas Al-Halabi, stated that educational and logistical preparations are ongoing for the official exams and that all conditions of monitoring, correction, and conducting the exams will be secured.
“Official exams are an important entitlement and we are keen to get them done in the best conditions,” Dr. Al-Halabi said.
He added that all the necessary tenders have been done and that all office supplies are provided.
Additional appropriation from the Ministry of Finance has been requested to approve the budget of the Ministry of Education. Donors have been approached also to secure additional funds to cover the teachers’ transportation.
It was agreed that the examination centers would be close to teachers and students, in light of the rise in fuel prices.
The mechanism for paying the money allocated to teachers to correct the exams, that is, whether in Lebanese pounds or dollars, is still unknown. Dr. Al-Halabi stated that he will communicate with the Central Bank in this regard.