Netflix series La Casa de Papel (Money Heist) aired Season 4 on Friday, April 3rd. The 8 new binge-worthy episodes are joined by a little behind-the-scenes’ surprise that features the Lebanese revolution.
The hour-long Netflix’s special, Money Heist: The Phenomenon, or ‘Fenomeno’, is a documentary on how the show has made an impact around the world. It’s narrated by the series’ writer and includes interviews with the cast members viewers have grown to love.
As a result of the popularity and success of the series, the Salvador Dali mask, worn by the characters of the series, became iconic and became used not only in Lebanon but in protests around the world.
And everyone knows that during the thawra, some people in the October 17 Lebanese revolution wore the same realistic Salvador Dalí masks as the robbers of Money Heist, and even red jumpsuit too!
This got Lebanon featured on the hit show, the country’s flag waving proudly between scenes for the world to see.