The Director General, Maj. Gen. Abbas Ibrahim addressed the military on the occasion of the 77th General Security Day.
Ibrahim started by saluting the steadfastness and adherence of the military to their ethics and expressing his appreciation for their efforts and sacrifices under the ongoing dire conditions.
He stressed that the sacrifice in commitment to the military oath must remain because they are one of the shields that Lebanon needs today more than ever.
As for the maritime border demarcation file, Ibrahim said that Lebanon is waging a “holy battle” to regain its maritime rights from Israel, as well as to control the land crossings in compliance with the laws and instructions.
On the internal level, Ibrahim explained the enormous dangers prompted by economic and social collapse, a collapse that has affected all institutions, adding that “the structures of the state have begun to erode.”
“Only perseverance in exerting effort can achieve firm and solid steps to face harsh and difficult circumstances,” the major general went on to say, “the General Directorate of Public Security is suffering the same way as you are.”
“The General Directorate of Public Security will strive to secure aid to reduce the effects of the crisis,” he said, adding that “it will maintain the offerings in the price of medicines and hospitalization, and exceptional social assistance.”