In a statement released by the Internal Security Forces (ISF) on Wednesday, it was disclosed that the ISF had managed to crack down on an illegal migration operation to Italy by sea.
The crackdown was within the framework of the “daily follow-up carried out by the Information division of the Internal Security Forces”. According to the statement, the framework aims to combat illegal migration from Lebanon to Europe through the shores of North Lebanon.
After receiving intel about this new operation, the ISF was able to identify the organizers and proceeded with thorough monitoring and investigation.
It led one of the division’s patrols to arrest one of the organizers in El-Mina, Tripoli, on June 29. Simultaneously, another patrol planned an ambush along the Abu Ali roundabout. It resulted in the arrest of 3 Syrian families and 9 young men boarding a Hyundai van and a Mercedes car.
The boat, known as the “death boat”, is owned by a Syrian national and was being used to carry out the illegal migration operation to Italy. The boat was seized along with the van and car.
The detainees confessed to the accusations set against them and the ISF continues its mission to arrest the people involved.