These seven cities in France have declared a Sunday of Unity with Lebanon to be held on November 17th as the Lebanese in France continue to stand in unity with the Lebanese Revolution, declaring in a slogan: “Our Revolution Has No Border.”
And borders the Lebanese Revolution hasn’t have indeed. It has taken the world like a tsunami of the just and righteous, demanding an end to corruption and to an obsessively stubborn political body that refuses to budge and honors our democracy.
Since its onset, on October 17th, the Lebanese diaspora all over the world have been actively involved in standing, from their locations, by their brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, sons and daughters in Lebanon. Their stance has been magnificent and empowering to the Lebanese people in the homeland.
From Lebanon to South America, Australia, and New Zealand, covering numerous countries in Europe and over forty cities in the United States, the Lebanese in the diaspora are not giving up on their fellow Lebanese in Lebanon; because this is the cause of the righteous.
This Sunday, November 17th, the Lebanese in Paris, Nice, Lyon, Brest, Marseille, Montpellier, and Strasbourg will be taking again a firm yet peaceful stand of unity in their respective cities. The protests are scheduled from noon to 2 PM.
@lebanese.diasporaembedded via
As our experience with our diaspora protests these past weeks, we expect that more cities in France will join in by Sunday. If you are in France and your city is not cited here, please leave us a message in the FB comment section or contact us.
In that context, many in the Lebanese Diaspora around the world are planning to fly back to Lebanon on November 22 for “The March of the Diaspora” from Beirut Airport to the Martyr’s Square in downtown. Their call: “We’re flying back to give Independence a new meaning!”
If you believe that the Lebanese Revolution must persist until its demands are met and you want to contribute your support, here is how you can help.
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