The trend #Death_Exams, which took over Twitter in Lebanon on Tuesday, June 2nd, is a “big and dangerous heading,” according to Lebanese Education Minister Tarek Al-Majzoub.
“There is always a percentage of danger, but the [Lebanese] University’s administration has made it clear that it will manage it,” Minister Al-Majzoub told LBCI on Wednesday.
The danger in question is that of the outbreak, which is the reason why Lebanese University students want to have online final exams instead of traditional in-person exams.
On that matter, the minister shed light on the fact that “the students go shopping and to places that have crowds,” implying that they already put their health at risk in some occasions.
As to whether or not the Death Exams will still take place this month, it is up to each administrator based on the circumstances and capabilities of each faculty, to decide, according to Al-Majzoub.
This is considering that there are over 60 Lebanese University branches spread across Lebanon, with each having its own separate conditions and variables.
Hence, each branch will have to discuss its individual case with Fouad Ayoub, the President of the Lebanese University, keeping in mind that the lives of the students are the highest priority, the minister explained.
With that said, the official noted that performing online exams is not a viable option in this case and the upcoming exams will need to be undergone under “exceptional procedures” instead.
“[Fouad] Ayoub assured that all necessary health measures will be taken to protect the students, and we must trust each other and the health measures in order to succeed,” he advised.
Ultimately, all decisions in that regard, including what happens if a student chooses not to attend the final exams, can only be made by the university’s officials, Al-Majzoub declared.
He concluded, “I am only a trusteeship minister; I do not replace the director, dean, or president of the university, I state the advisable data that I have and recommend that it be followed.”