The intriguing story behind Carlos Ghosn’s daring escape from Japan is getting woven into two more productions – a movie and a series – involving Hollywood star Sam Rockwell.
Rockwell, who will star in the upcoming feature-length movie as the former Green Beret Michael Taylor, will also develop the movie and the series alongside writer Davey Holmes, Vanity Fair Studios, and MGM/UA TV.
Michael Taylor is alleged to have masterminded Ghosn’s unbelievable escape from the Japanese authorities.
The Oscar-winning actor will also executive produce the film and the TV series alongside Mark Berger. However, he will not star in the series, which focuses on Taylor’s story as a young man, whereas the movie dives into Ghosn’s escape.
Both productions are expected to launch on the streaming marketplace in 2021.
In the meantime, Michael Taylor and his son, Peter, who was allegedly also involved in orchestrating the intricate operation, are attempting to challenge their extradition to Japan.
In November, a federal judge in Boston said that she would likely reject a last-ditch effort by the men to avoid extradition.
Ghosn, on the other hand, is staying at his home in Beirut, where he has been residing ever since he pulled off his unforgettable escape.
The former Nissan boss himself, alongside his wife, is starring in two separate productions that retell the story of his celebrated successes as one of the automotive industry’s most revered executives, leading up to how he became one of the world’s most famous fugitives.
Ghosn recently published a book in which he defends himself against the allegations he has faced and sheds light on his life’s achievements, while also delivering a fair share of criticism.